> Sell investment in Stocks to buy house?

Sell investment in Stocks to buy house?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Never pull from retirement accounts.

The fact that your investments have done well since 2008 is a moot point - ALL equities have done well if held since 2008 (when the market low was in March 2009). That doesn't mean they'll continue to appreciate at that rate in the future. If a house is your goal, then sell them for the down payment.

NEVER EVER empty 401K to buy a house.

that is up to 40% give away to IRS.

not informed/smart.

as for stocks not in a Retirement account,

if the amount will allow u to get out of PMI

do it.

u will have capital gains taxes at end of year to pay.

a library has dozens of books on how to do your taxes,

start learning now. do save up $$ for tax bill.

as for house DO NOT screw yourself with 'empty house syndrome'.

buy ONLY bare minimum for each room and do it on CASH only.

since u/she in CA a second job for both of u will be needed to

get enough savings up for first lay off, firing so u do not lose the house.

do learn to live on 2000$ month life style and u will not lose

the house to foreclosure as many do.

u both then can fulfill ROTH IRA and IRAs to get a jump

on 'retirement'.

library can help there.

Of course you should sell your stock to buy a home but dont sell your 401k shares

Best of luck


Me (39yrs) and my wife's (33yrs) combined income a month is approximately $8k a month, here in southern California.

And since 2008 I had started investing in stocks. These stocks (& mutual funds) are doing very well and are now worth almost $25k, and they are continuing to do very well, and will be great when I retire.

But we are planning to buy a house soon, so will it be a good idea to sell all of these stocks ($25k), for making the down payment, along with another $30k in savings?

Or do we leave these stocks to grow and not sell them?

Also, do I empty my 401k ($25k) to buy the house?