> Hedge fund starting salaries for big hedge funds?

Hedge fund starting salaries for big hedge funds?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
The salaries for portfolio managers vary wildly based on performance, but managing directors make over a million without exception.

Because pay is both performance based and plain arbitrary actual amounts are always kept secret by management and often not shared among associates.

Salary is commensurate with experience and the position your want. Last year's average Wall Street bonus was something around $150,000.

Does anybody know what the starting salaries for some big hedge funds would be? Such as Bridgewater associates, Appaloosa management, Glenview Capital, soros management, paulson and co. etc. What about if you get promoted to portfolio manager in one of those firms? I see that all these top hedge fund managers make billions of dollars a year, how much do you think the guys below them make? I'm not asking for exact numbers if you can't find them, just an estimate.