Other ideas would be to sell old books you don't want anymore on amazon, for example.
You could also work in a shop in the mornings, or whenever it suits you.
I have a friend who's 16 like us and he makes websites online, like designs them and "sells" them, and he earns quite a lot from it and he says its really easy, so you could research it and have a go maybe, if you're interested.
I hope you liked the ideas :)
Have you ever considered affiliate marketing? It does take some work with no pay for a little while, so if you need money immediately it might not be the best way to go. But once you put in a few months worth of work, the money comes rolling in whether you are actually "working" or not. I've been a full time affiliate marketer for several years and now I teach others how to do it. Check out my blog if you'd like to learn more: http://www.affiliatemarketertraining.com
I've made a quick buck buying things at yard sales and flipping them on eBay. It requires having money, knowledge of what things are worth, and the skill of haggling. I discovered this on a whim one day. It is actually a funny story. I was driving down a road with a friend. He was trying to come up with a way to make a little extra cash so I told him to try flipping things on eBay. He asked me how he would go about it. At the time he asked I saw a tag sale down the road, so I told him I'd show him. Long story short, I bought 4 fishing reels for 25 bucks all together and sold 2 of them for 117. I found it funny because I acted like I had experience with this sorta thing, when I didn't.
Perhaps you should work at the local thrift store. You get paid for helping out the community.
If you're a girl my advice to you is to take a stroll down the highway.
Youtube videos can bring in heaps if you monetise them? Or take online surveys
you don't meet the terms of service (age) for almost all legitimate sites that you could do this at.
I'm actually not looking for a job at McDonald's or something like that. I really don't have time for hour shifts. I was wondering if I could be a doing an online job, but something that paid kinda okay? I just need some extra money! I do a lot of charity work every day, but it's voluntary, so I don't get paid, (WHICH I DON'T MIND! Because I love helping people!) But I'm at the point where all my friends have jobs, except me.
So I was wondering if I could maybe sale something online? Or something along that idea where it doesn't tie me down so much? (I'm literally busy 5 days a week with charity stuff, & I really don't wanna drop that so I can get a normal job, cause I really like helping people!)
I'm only 16, so I'm not asking for something that would make 30k a year haha. I'm just wondering of some cool ideas, or something I could sell, or do like cleaning someone's house?
Please help & give me some extra ideas!! I'd really appreciate it!