> What companies to invest for the next 6 weeks?

What companies to invest for the next 6 weeks?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Nobody, not one single person can foretell future price any better than a coin toss. That's not what we do here.

If you just want to gamble and guess, go to the casino and at least enjoy losing your money, or play another video game. If you want to invest, you need a method and strategy, not an opinion fromr someone you don't know without a track record.

Investing is a process of learning and applying that knowledge to some principle of value. Read a few good books like Investing for Dummies and The Millionaire Next Door.

If you want ideas, pick up the Monday edition of Investor's Business Daily. These are stocks that apply to O'Neil's CANSLIM method. Get his book, How to Make Money in Stocks.

Sorry but attempting to time the market in so short a period is a recipe for disaster. One must have a long time horizon when investing to ride out the inevitable ups and downs of the market.

My advice....don't do it.

What companies do you think would be the best to invest in for the next six weeks for maximum profit? I intend to pull out after the next six weeks so anything longer than that will not pertain to me.

Thanks in advance.