> Where can I get an Investor for my invention?

Where can I get an Investor for my invention?

Posted at: 2014-12-05 
Go to any bank with your Business Plan (including potential customer base & expected revenues) and they will HAPPILY lend you money to "get started"...

If you do not have a detailed model of who your customers will be and how much profit you anticipate making then what you have is a daydream, not a legitimate invention...

Offer it to friends and family first. Explain why it is a wonderful invention and who will buy it. Then go to the people who will benefit from it and offer it to them as an investment. If it solves a problem for them they may want to bad enough to invest. You must also put your own money in it, if you won't sell or mortgage everything you have to get it going nobody else will take the risk either so you must have skin in the game.

I created this great communication system and I all all the technical stuff sorted but I dont have any starting capital.For the past 4 months ive been looking forfunding.who/which organisation could i possibly contact for a possible Investor?